terms of service

Welcome to Cardon

This site is a combination of an online store for trading card games and a general information site. We will make every effort to operate the site so that everyone can use it with peace of mind. As a place where many people participate, there is a possibility that trouble may occur due to a small misunderstanding. In order to avoid this, we assume that those who use this site fully understand and agree to the following terms of use.

  1. Scope of application

These Terms of Use apply to all users (hereinafter referred to as "Users") who use the services provided by Cardon (hereinafter referred to as "we"), and Users are obligated to comply with them. All policies, notices, etc. posted by Cardon regarding the service or contacted by Users are part of these Terms of Use, and Users are obligated to comply with them as an integral part of these Terms of Use. In addition, if such notices, etc. contain content that is contradictory or inconsistent with these Terms of Use, such notices, etc. shall take precedence.

  1. Regarding the use of Cardon

When using Cardon, users are obligated to read and understand the terms of this agreement carefully before starting to use the service. In addition, when writing, posting, or making inquiries, users are obligated to confirm in advance that there are no problems with the method of sending and the contents of the message.

  1. Regarding posts and comments

Users may post and write comments while complying with the terms and conditions of this agreement. However, the user who posted the comment is solely responsible for the content posted by the user in each Cardon service, and we shall not be held responsible in any way in this regard. If a dispute arises between a user and a third party as a result of the user's use of Cardon, the user shall resolve such dispute at his/her own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to this website. If a user violates these terms and conditions and causes damage to us, we may claim compensation for the damage suffered from the user.

  1. Intellectual property right

Regarding the copyright of the content posted or displayed on Cardon, when the posting or writing reaches our computer, the user grants us the right (including the right to sublicense) to use the posting or writing free of charge and non-exclusively both in Japan and overseas (including copying, making publicly transmittable, publishing, transmitting, distributing, transferring, lending, translating, adapting, and editing). In addition, the user shall not exercise the moral right of the author in the posting or writing. Users may not copy or use the posting or writing of other users outside the scope permitted by these terms. Users may not copy or use any content posted or displayed on Cardon's site for any purpose other than for use on Cardon. In addition, users may not copy, distribute, transmit, or upload or use such content to other homepages, websites , etc. for the purpose of providing it to third parties.

The websites linked from the Cardon site are operated by other operators. Please use the content of each website at your own risk. This website takes no responsibility whatsoever. Please use the website with this understanding.

Pocket Monsters, Pokémon, and Pokémon are registered trademarks of Nintendo, Creatures, and Game Freak. Please contact the respective rights holders for any rights regarding the logos, symbols, all cards, and the Pokémon Card Game. All deck lists are posted with permission from the original website . This site is not an official site operated by The Pokémon Company. All rights except the above are owned by Hareruya Co., Ltd.

  1. Personal Information

Cardon may request personal information to identify users and improve services.

The personal information you provide will be used, protected, and managed in accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and our separately established "Personal Information Protection Policy."

  1. Prohibited Activities

In addition to other prohibited activities in these Terms, you are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

  • Intentionally submitting false information
  • Posts and comments for the purpose of soliciting
  • Intentionally sending the same information multiple times for the purpose of self-aggrandizement or harming others
  • Actions that go against public order and morals
  • Actions that lead to criminal acts
  • Actions that infringe on the intellectual property rights, property, reputation, or privacy of other users or third parties.
  • Any action that causes harm to other users or third parties
  • Actions that slander other users or third parties
  • Pre-election campaigning, election campaigning or similar activities, and activities that violate the Public Offices Election Act
  • Actions that are deemed to have a negative impact on minors
  • Any action that interferes with Cardon's operations or damages our credibility
  • Transmission of harmful computer programs such as computer viruses
  • Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of the contents of our emails or homepage
  • Illegal conduct
  • Any other actions that we deem inappropriate

If a user commits any of the prohibited acts listed above or if we determine that there is a high possibility that the user will commit such acts, we may provisionally suspend all or part of the user's rights. In this case, we shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of the suspension of rights.

  1. Deleting posts/comments

In the following cases, we may delete the contents, images, videos, audio or other digital data posted, written or attached by the user to Cardon without notifying the user. However, this does not mean that we are obligated to take responsibility for all of the user's actions.

  • If we determine that the content of posts, images, audio, etc., falls under the "prohibited acts" of these Terms of Use or violates other provisions of these Terms of Use.
  • If we determine that the content you post is garbled and cannot be read by general users
  • When the same content is posted multiple times
  • If the speed at which writing is displayed on Cardon slows down significantly or is likely to slow down, or if we determine that it will cause a significant burden on our server processing
  • When we are requested to delete a post by another user or a third party with appropriate reasons and justification.
  1. Disclaimer
  • We reserve the right to change or modify, at our discretion, any posts or writings by users that we deem inappropriate.
  • We reserve the right, but undertake no obligation, to investigate any posts or comments made by users.
  • If it is difficult or impossible to connect to Cardon, or if some or all of the services are incomplete or not provided, or if there is a system failure due to an accident, failure, or other malfunction of the communication infrastructure or other reasons, some or all of the content posted by the user may be lost, but we shall not be held responsible for this. Furthermore, the user shall not pursue any responsibility for the failure against us.
  • If a dispute arises regarding the services we provide, we receive a claim from a user or a third party, and are found liable for damages or other damages in court and have to pay them, we may claim all costs associated with the dispute (including compensation, litigation costs and attorney's fees) from the user who caused the trouble.
  1. Changes to the system , changes to service content, and suspension, interruption , or termination of operation

We reserve the right to change Cardon's user interface, system or service content without prior notice to users. We may temporarily suspend all or part of the service if any of the following events occur. We will notify users in advance at Cardon as much as possible, but in emergency situations, we may suspend the service without prior notice to users.

  • When maintenance of service facilities, systems, etc. is required
  • When services cannot be provided due to a power outage, fire, or other disruption to social infrastructure
  • When the service cannot be provided due to force majeure such as natural disasters, war, riots, etc.
  • When services cannot be provided due to legal measures
  • If we determine that it is necessary to suspend the service for other operational or technical reasons

We may terminate part of the Cardon service or the operation of Cardon at our discretion, regardless of the reason. In such a case, we will notify users of the termination at Cardon at least 30 days before the planned date of termination. After the operation of Cardon is terminated, we may delete posts, comments, and other messages stored on our server at our discretion. In the event of changes to the service or the suspension or termination of operation based on this chapter, we shall not be liable for any damages suffered by users as a result of this.

  1. Revision and amendment of the terms

We reserve the right to revise or modify these terms and conditions without prior notice to users. In such cases, such revisions or modifications will take effect by posting the new terms and conditions on this page.

  1. Governing Law, Jurisdiction

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any disputes arising between us and the user shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction over our address.

Date of enactment: May 17 , 2024